My Grandma Who Always Showed up!

There’s nothing I love more than hearing all the praises for grandparents that show up. I’ve been a mom for over ten years and I’m proud to say, my children have been...

Social Distancing Is Difficult…Even for Introverts!

My husband and I are both self-proclaimed introverts. I've always been a bit of a loner, preferring the solitude of the country, a good book, my computer and a pen and paper....

Mom- The Peacekeeper

I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for a little over seven years now. It’s a title, a job, and a badge of honor that I’m proud of but with this title comes a lot of...

My Daughter Shut Down a Lemonade Stand

I sometimes feel that life is so much more difficult for my youngest. There are times, I honestly want to crawl into the shower just so I can cry for her. I...

The Foster Care System Failed My Husband

My husband and I have recently embarked on a journey that is extremely personal to us. We have officially become licensed foster parents. We have been eagerly awaiting our first placement and although we...

Play Audition Day and My Game of Thrones Pep Talk!

Becoming a parent is a selfless job. Where once Friday nights were spent hanging out at bars or clubs, enjoying concerts, binge watching TV shows or just sleeping in late, you now find yourself...

I’m Raising My Children Without a Village and It Stinks!

I never once imagined that my husband and I would be raising our girls completely alone. I knew when I married my spouse that he came with absolutely no reliable relatives. I...

Zoo Trips and Pixie Sticks

I’m going to make a huge confession here but I actually love chaperoning most field trips! I’m a mom of many jobs. I work from home and I volunteer on the side....

A Simple Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday but this year, in the lead up to the holiday season, our family has dealt with loss. This was the first year my grandmother on...

A Big Bowl of Puke in the School Parking Lot

As a parent and writer, I try to always be honest even when something is uncomfortable or gross. It doesn’t help anyone to shy away from the grim reality of parenthood. It’s a wonderful,...

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Car Conversations with my Daughters

I’m smiling to myself as I drive, humming along to the radio as my daughters are proudly singing from the back seat....