I Was Taken out by a Five-Year-Old


As parents we have all had these days…these crazy busy days where we work our butts off and still feel as if we have accomplished nothing. It’s actually quite sad that we feel this way since raising our children is the most important job we could ever do. Yet, we are so hard on ourselves. We are trying to live up to this standard of perfection. We want well behaved, polite children, a perfectly clean house and a homemade nutritious dinner on the table. It’s not realistic. It’s not going to happen without a live-in-maid and nanny. Most days, if I manage to get the kids to school on time with a smile, clean some area of the house and throw some meat in my crock-pot, I consider it a job well done!

Today, was different. I did manage to accomplish two things. Two things I never expected to happen. By one-o-clock this afternoon after a night of tossing and turning, I fired my real estate agent and was knocked over by a kindergartner at work! I’m not sure how accomplished I should feel. I know I’m disappointed by the first and embarrassed by the last but it’s another day in my crazy family life. I just have to go with it.

I’m considering the fact that having a kindergartner back her chair into me, wiping out my legs and causing me to crash to the floor was the universe telling me that I needed a good laugh. I did laugh! I told my co-workers about it and they laughed as well. Why shouldn’t I laugh at myself? It was funny…embarrassing…but who really cares? Who am I trying to impress? We all have clumsy moments! It’s better to laugh than to hang your head in sorrow.

As for my real estate agent…ugh! There are some people you meet who you immediately dislike. Selling and buying a home is extremely stressful but having an agent who comes off hostile and threatens to punish you in some way for their own failure at selling your home, is not a business relationship one should ever be in. Any agent, who calls you up to exploit your own fears and warn you that you could essentially end up homeless if the sale falls through, is a tremendous jerk! I’m financially stable, in a beautiful home with my family and an agent has no right, to try to pull the rug out from under me, in order to make a sale. A sale that he isn’t even trying to make happen.

This isn’t my first home buying or selling experience. I know exactly what I’m up against and when an agent fails to communicate properly and in a way that comes across as aggressive, I’m going to push back! I’m going to push back hard! An agent is working for you, not the other way around.  So, he was fired! It didn’t go over well but it was a toxic relationship that wasn’t going to work!

I’m still searching for the silver lining but I know it will reveal itself in time. I would love to treat myself to a glass of wine and a warm soak in the bathtub but we have soccer practice tonight. So, my next goal is to put one foot in front of the other and try really hard to not fall this time or be taken out by a five-year-old!

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Welcome to FamCraz! I'm Nicki Lynn and I sincerely hope you enjoy my collection of stories and insights. I'm a stay-at-home parent and writer, happily married to the man of my dreams and together we are raising two adorable little girls. We live our family life with humor and navigate the ups and downs with love, faith and just a little bit of crazy!


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