My Prayer for 2020


2019 was an epic year for my family, fraught with both excitement and tragedy. Most importantly, it was one of the most phenomenally strange years of my life. After a fun night of bringing in the new year with family and friends, I could give you all a rundown of my accomplishments, my aha moments, my heartbreaks or crazy moments of triumphs but instead I’m going to give you my desires and deepest prayers for 2020.

In 2020, I’m praying for patience. That I be a more patient mother to my children. That I calm the tide of my anger when they are driving me crazy. That I talk more softly instead of yelling. That I don’t sweat the small stuff because they are just that…small stuff! That I take a more active role in my children’s life. That I take the time to listen with full attention to the things they’re sharing with me instead of stressing about the million errands I have to run or the dinner I have to throw together.

I’m praying that I be a more understanding wife to my husband. That I pick up the slack when he’s falling behind. That I’m more intuitive to his feelings. That I remember to be grateful that I’m married to such a wonderful, ambitious man. That I remember, his past is different from mine. We come from two different places and our feelings and opinions will never match up in perfect sync.

I’m praying for confidence and bravery. That I don’t listen to the demons in my head, telling me I can’t do something or I’m just not good enough. That I refuse to beat myself up over something and convince myself that I’m a bad parent or a lazy parent or unworthy in some ridiculous way.

I’m praying to say goodbye to anxiety and worry. I waste so much energy and brain power worrying about things that are useless and not worth the effort. Situations where I didn’t say the right thing or worrying about the fact I may have accidentally offended someone by sharing my opinion. Worrying about finances when my house is warm and my heart is full. Worrying about my children and their problems at school. This may be a farfetched goal but it’s worth praying about.

I’m praying for those around me who are in need of help. I hope that I can be a guiding light to them because I guarantee whatever they are going through, I’ve been there too or at the very least, I have felt it.

I’m praying that I will continue to cultivate my relationships. That I will not take for granted my family and friends. That I will take the time to call or drop a message to those I live away from and to spend time with the ones that are close.

I’m praying for good health. I’m praying that I will cut down on sugar and carbs. That I will take the time to run and work out. To feed my body and soul with healthy activities.

I pray for all these things but mostly I pray for you. These prayers are not just for myself, they are for all of you. I desire the very best for you. I want you to heal from your heartbreaks. I want you to find your happiness. I want you to meet your goals and find yourself worthy no matter what life is throwing at you. I want your life to be amazing and full of love. I want you to find the perfect in all your imperfections!

I want you to embrace your life, regardless of how crazy it may seem!

Here’s to 2020! I love you all!


  1. Love you beautiful friend and sister. I struggle with so many of the same things. I see so much beauty, light, patience, and love in you. You are a wonderful ambitious wife, and a sweet kind loving mom. Love you!

    • Love you too! We all struggle with so many of these same things and we are never alone in our feelings. Never! Thank you for your kind words! Happy New Years!


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